Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Paperless  

          I think having a paperless classroom is very close to possible. If doctors can keep your medical records in a computer why cant a teacher keep her students work and files in their computers? I think the idea of using Google drive for sending out, submitting, and accepting assignments. I liked the examples given on how it works. I do know that there are many books out there for learning as well as many apps. A lot of apps even are up to date on core curriculum. We just need to make sure that teachers are up to date on technology and how to use it. There are so many sites that assist in helping teachers learn how to further educate students and increase their education as well. Pinterest is a great help if you need any good ideas. I think taking Education 300 definitely got me into the idea of going paperless. The only assignments that weren’t submitted online were art projects and things like that. But there are ways to submit those now too. Teachers also have to be careful on plagiarism and copyrights. Overall I can see going paperless to be a better way of teaching. Not only going green and saving the world, but also less of a load that you have to carry home. Just take your iPad with and back it up.

Critical Thinking West Fargo Technology

          I think its great that teachers are implementing more technology in their classrooms! If I was given the opportunity to use technology in my classroom I would use it as an instructional tool by allowing my kids to have a hands on experience always. To make it interesting and want to learn more just because of the cool things they can do with it while learning. I like the aspect of smart boards and being able to touch and draw what is on the board, or have to select things with just a “pen”. I also like the use of iPads and how in classes you can connect them so everyone is doing the same thing with the help of some apps. I really liked one of the apps I reviewed for my webliography called Nearpod. Nearpod lets you set up a teacher app, and students set up a student app, and from there you can give presentations off of your iPad while they have the hands on experience of it up close. It gives you a code to give to your kids and also has options where you can have them answer questions on the actual app. I love the technology you can use in this age in time. SO GREAT!

Critical Thinking NETS/ISTE Standards

           ITSE are standards used for teaching in the new digital age. Teachers must facilitate students in the form of learning. It is essential that the standards are met. The standards are numerous for each the teacher and student, but it is the teachers job to make sure they are met. Although most students know the gist of how to do most of these standards, the teacher must also make sure they are also advancing with the technology and not lagging behind while their students take the wheel. You must stay up to date, so your students can as well.

Critical Thinking Project-Based Learning 
           I believe there is a pretty big difference between doing projects and project-based learning. Most projects you can bring home and do. But with PBL you do these in class. PBLs in class are beneficial because while the students are doing them, they can not only talk to their peers about the project they can ask you, the teacher. Doing PBLs in class, as the teacher, you can see the progress, or if they need help or are falling behind. It is still fun to them, when assigned a project taken for homework it becomes tedious. When you do PBLs in class you share creativity with other, and other can gain from their peers that surround. Overall although PBLs may "take up time", they are more beneficial for everyone.

Critical Thinking Differentiation

           Differentiation to me is different ways of teaching something to individual students that fit their needs of learning. I am a hands-on learner, so I need something I can touch and see. Using an iPad in an elementary class can help immensely with differentiated learning. Such as reading an e-book, one person can read it, and another could listen and read, if there reading skills arent so great. This will help the students reading ability increase. That as well as games on iPads can also help out with learning, as long as they have educational value.

Critical Thinking Copyright
  1. You cant show movies without permission - sometimes you have to pay for it
  2. Just about anything that has monetary value is copyrighted
  3. You have to give the author credit for the work, but even then you usually need permission
  4. Changing a few words does not make it a new thing
  5. Any tangible work is copyrighted the second it is made
  6. Without registering your works you can sue
  7. Copyright will outlive you, +70 years from when it was created
  8. Copyright is very confusing and isn't easily explained
  9. Facts and ideas cannot be copyrighted
  10. There is a lot of copyright infringement on the internet
  11. Kids need to know what copyright is as soon as possible

Critical Thinking Son

           I think this mom is 100% correct. Children now a days don’t have all of their; independent thinking, patience, privacy, art of conversation, or a sense of living in the moment. I know personally this is the way I feel things are moving with my generation and younger. I tend to keep an open mind when it comes to social media. I use it to find reviews on products, so I don’t end up buying a defective product. I do ask people opinions on whether they like something, but it is usually after I purchase that something. I understand the patience part, everything is so fast now, we don’t really rely on mail, if we have a question it can be answered just about instantly online. I am already not such a patient person, but I understand that is more occurring now in recent generations. Privacy is also an issue now too because if I meet someone I can just go online, look up their name, and voila I can find out a lot about them without even talking to them. I understand I have set aside my curtain of privacy when I created a Facebook, but anyone can clean their site up and shed a little of the curtain on themselves. Children now a days just don’t seem to understand that anyone can find out lots of information about them just by searching the internet. The art of conversation has also been compromised. I know when I enter a room of strangers and sit down, the first thing I do is grab my cell phone, and keep myself preoccupied. It is a rarity that people will start to talk amongst themselves. I sometimes find myself on my phone in a group of people I know, and realize I have not been paying attention to the conversation. I feel like conversation is now growing dismal unless it is over text, or social media. Last but not least is living in the moment. I know I can relate to the article when it comes to that. Whenever I get something new I tend to post it on instagram to share it with everyone, without even savoring it for myself. Even when people are out to eat, the first thing they do is take a picture of their food and post it online.

            As a teacher all of this makes sense. For most of this article it means students are on their phone. And by having them in the classroom, its inevitable that students are going to be on them. So why not incorporate them into the class room, and teach etiquette that is now being lost; as shown in the article.

Critical Thinking on 3D Printing  

          I have heard about this not too long ago. Printing things in 3D is definitely a large step in technological advancement. I think this could be very cool to use in classrooms as a teacher. It would be much easier to get a hold of objects that cost a lot, or are in other cultures. It would also be cool for art teachers; just print off a blank object and have them paint it as they'd like. Even for science teachers that have to dissect animals. I always found this to be cruel, now they can just print one that is already dissected to show major organs. The dangerous side to this would be the whole gun aspect. If a child printed one of these off, there might be issues. Maybe they should install parental controls? Overall this is really cool and if expected to be in most households within 5 years... I cant imagine all the possibilities for this great invention!

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